Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Getting Aerobically Fit

Yesterday was a rest day. Today was a V02 max building workout. I started with 2 miles @ 10 minutes. Then 2x1 mile @ 5 minutes. I felt very good on the last mile and probably could have done another 10 minute 2 mile. My goal is to get fit enough to run 4 miles in 20 minutes. Once I achieve this fitness level, I will feel ready to compete.

I finished my workout with 40x400lbs inclined leg press. I think it is great to do lower body weights following a tempo run. I believe I am recruiting more muscle fibers. Also if I am able to go straight to doing weights while still in oxygen debt, I am able to train my muscles to fire in an extremely fatigued and oxygen deprived state. My theory is that this type of training helps me to be able to finish stronger at the end of a race.

I also spent a bunch of time calling up bass players and drummers for some upcoming gigs.

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