Everyone thinks I look ten years younger on my 40th birthday. What is it that makes me look young at age 40?
Maybe its because I exercise about 6 times per week. 2 times per week I do some sort of weight training. Every day of training includes some type of aerobic exercise.
I eat about 1/2 as much as the average American. I am sure that the typical American
diet has way too many calories. Proof of my theory? The obesity epidemic.
Eating less is the only scientifically proven way to increase your life expectancy by up to
30 percent. Just do a google search. I think long distance running also puts more caloric demands on your body and thereby increasing the stimulus to the gene that is activated by caloric restriction.
I get at least 8 hours of sleep per night.
I take a bunch of anti-oxidents that help fight inflammation
and free radicals responsible for cell damage.
Some of my favorites:
Alpha-lipoic acid
Tart cherry extract
Vitamin C
krill oil
rose hips
I also have sensitive skin and use rose hip seed oil, Argon oil,
and my favorite burts bees on my face especially after
shower, shaving, or swimming in the pool.
I also have low stress in my life and trust God that he will
Why go to extremes to improve your health and longevity?
Who wouldn't like to be healthy enough to run a marathon at 90 years of age?
Don't believe it is possible? Someone 100 years old just finished a marathon.
Maybe you just look young because that's the way you're made.
Yes genetics certainly play a major role in how you age. However environmental toxins such as excessive smoking can accelerate cellular damage. Stress and poor nutrition is another big one. But there is always George Burns who defied all these theories and probably was made to smoke a cigar every day.
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