Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Taking care of my body for peak performance

After a tough 6 mile tempo run, swimming and weight lifting yesterday, I thought I would be out of commission. On the contrary, I felt fine. I ended up doing 20x200m @ 30 seconds with the last ones being around 27. I still felt good so I finished with a 400m @ 60 seconds. I ran this workout in training flats and orthotics to help protect my achilles from excessive trauma. I went to the weight room and did some light ab work and lower body weights. I used the foam roller for about 15 minutes and did some rope stretching. I got home and had my favorite undenatured whey protein drink mixed with cocoa and agave nectar. I hopped in the shower and alternated between hot and cold. This really gets the blood flowing and reduces inflammation. To finish my recovery, I got the juicer out and made spinach, apple, carrot, ginger, and grape juice. The spinach gives me the iron I need, the ginger is great for my digestion and is has anti-inflamatory properties. Carrot juice is great for the skin and grape juice is high in anti-oxidants. Combining all these together creates the ultimate healthy drink. I now feel 100 percent recovered. I wish everyone could feel like I do right now. There is no better feeling in the world to be fit and healthy. It does take a lot of work and discipline but the results are priceless.

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